
Softwareman4life Main Web Site

Check out my Facebook page

Here is a link to the college I got my degree from OIT and the degree program I finished.

Here is
a link to my Senior Project - XAML Editor web page.

The software on this web site is solely owned by Lawrence C. Bell, whom has all ownership rights to the software.
By downloading the software on this web page you agree that
  1. You will not sell, rent, lease, barter, or trade the software
  2. You won't reverse engineer the software.
  3. You may use the software and are encouraged to make a donation.
  4. You must never claim that the software is your work or property.
  5. All files in the original zip file must remain together and may not be used for any other purpose.
  6. You assume all risks while using this software. It is provided with NO warrantees or guarantees.

Review and download my Scheduler program

My QIF - CSV converter for MS Money 2001 program

 This software does not have the .NET installation file due to server limits. Go to .NET Framework Version 1.1 to download and install dotnetfx.exe before using the software above.

Review and download my Java programs.

My email address is - email me if you want to.

You may donate funds to my PayPal account by clicking the picture below.